The water quality of Voorveldse Polder at Utrecht
What is the swimming water like? Voorveldse Polder? On the water map below you'll see the swimming location in its immediate vicinity. On the right of on this page you will find all information about the current weather, at the bottom of the swimming spots in the area.
Open the Water Map for Utrecht in full window This bathing water location is classified in the 4-year water quality class Poor and has therefore a permanent negative swimming advice. This NOT ABOUT the current quality of the water. If something with it is on the hand is, that above and ter place indicated, At the 4-year water quality class Poor is the chance of stomach- or intestinal complaints greater than at Excellent.
De Speelvijver Voorveldse Polder located on the eastern edge from Utrecht net ten west of the highway A27. The small pond is located in a park-like area in a number of sportsfacilities such as a riding school and a tennispark are present. The municipality Utrecht is
de manager of the location. The swimming area is on the south of the pond. There is a sandy beach of approx. 30 meter long. Further is the pond capricious of shape and exts around two with bushes and trees vegetated islands. Around the beach is a sunbathing area and also the banks of the other part of the pond are with grass overgrown. The pond is not deeper than ca 50 cm.
De location is a little a mave outsider regards the watery, it is with the help of a pump artificial with groundwater fed. The swimming area restricts to the part of the lake with the sand and is free accessible. On a beautiful day the play pond mainly visited by parents with young children. There is no supervision.
Swimming spots nearby
1. De kikker: water quality is
good2. Down under: water quality is
good3. Maarsseveense plassen zuidhoek: water quality is
good4. Voorveldse polder: water quality is
The weather in Utrecht, now:
Af en toe lichte regen

Wind Force
4 bft |
13.1 Knopen |
24.3 km/hWind direction
Today: In de loop van de nacht vooral in het noordoosten gladheid door sneeuw
Extended weather forecast for Utrecht (click)
Swim at Voorveldse Polder
The bathing water quality at Voorveldse Polder is
warning Last check 30-09-2024
MeasurementsE.coli: 30 n/dl (below 1800 is ok)
Intestinal enterococci: 77 n/dl (under 400 is ok)
Deze zwemwaterlocatie is ingedeeld in de 4-jaars waterkwaliteitsklasse Slecht en heeft daardoor een negatief zwemadvies. Dit gaat NIET over de actuele kwaliteit van het water. Als daar iets mee aan de hand is, wordt dat hierboven en ter plaatse aangegeven. Het kan dus zijn dat er voor deze zwemwaterlocatie twee maatregelen gelden. Bij de 4-jaars waterkwaliteitsklasse Slecht is de kans op maag- of darmklachten groter dan bij Uitstekend
Vanaf: 30-04-2021
Additional warning
Waarschuwing kwaliteit
This warning applies since: 10-09-2023
Water temperature
Measurement time: 10 februari, 13:10
(more info) AddressBiltse Rading en N225, Utrecht
AdministratorDo you have any questions about this swimming location? Contact the administrator:
Gemeente Utrecht
Foto: Gemeente Utrecht
Photo: Gemeente Utrecht
Information board

The water temperature value comes from the nearest official Rijkswaterstaat measuring station and is an approximation for this location. Always take local conditions into account, it is usually colder in deeper water than on the shore!
The water quality measurement is based on the amount of bacteria in nanograms per deciliter (n /dl). In this case it concerns the intestinal bacteria Escherichia coli (E.coli) and intestinal enterococci, which occur in the feces of both animals and humans. A suddenly high value is often related to bird droppings in the water, for example, but can certainly also have other causes. It is unwise to swim in water where these values exceed the standards. The water manager also inspects the bathing water areas for other types of pollution, such as blue-green algae or other toxic algae and general safety features.
More information about this swimming location can be found at