Jachthaven Pieter Bouwe, in Gaastmeer, Friesland

This is the information page of Jachthaven Pieter Bouwe, on the water map below you can see the marina in its immediate vicinity. On the right you will find the contact details and, if applicable, the website of this marina. Would you like to add more information about this marina? Let us know and we will add it!

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More marinas nearby

1. Balk: Passantenhaven Balk
2. Elahuizen: Jachthaven De Koggeplaet
3. Gaastmeer: Waterrecreatie Syperda
4. Galamadammen: Jachthaven De Kuilart
5. Heeg: Heech bij de Mar (foto)
6. Heeg: Hoora Verhuur (foto)
7. Heeg: Jachthaven Eendracht (foto)
8. Heeg: Jachthaven Varskip Platbodemjachtenverhuur
9. Heeg: Ottenhome Heeg
10. Heeg: Passantenhaven Heegerwâl
11. Heeg: Van Roeden Watersport
12. Heeg: Jachthaven 't Var
13. Heeg: Haven Resort Heeg
14. Oosthem/ijlst: Jachthaven Nijesyl (foto)
15. Oudega (súdwest-fryslân): Jachthaven/Camping De Bearshoeke (foto)
16. Workum: Workumer Jachthaven


The weather in Gaastmeer, now:


Geheel bewolkt

The current weather in Kleine Gaastmeer is Geheel bewolkt
Wind Force 2 bft | 3.9 Knopen | 7.2 km/h
Wind direction ZW
Wind arrow
Today: Maandag fris met in de zuidelijke helft wat regen


Extended weather forecast for Gaastmeer (click)



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Contact details

Wieldijk 30
8611 JK Gaastmeer

Phone 0515-469696
A marina, crane facility, yard, poly falcon rental and flat -bottomed rental. In short; Everything under one roof at Pieter Bouwe. The marina is very conveniently located in the middle of the lakes area, free water to the fluesses and the Heegermeer and within one hour you will be on the IJsselmeer via the atmospheric Workum. A port where peace, space and of course recreation are central.


Container Boat rental
Showers Passers-by welcome
Stalling Toilets
Shore power Washbasins



Photo Jachthaven Pieter BouwePhoto: Jachthaven Pieter Bouwe

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