This is the information page of Watersportvereniging Spanjeveer Mendonk (WSM), on the water map below you can see the marina in its immediate vicinity. On the right you will find the contact details and, if applicable, the website of this marina. Would you like to add more information about this marina? Let us know and we will add it!
Open the Water Map for Mendonk in full window
SpanjeveerstraatA 1
9042 Mendonk
Container | Berths secured |
Showers | Dressing rooms |
Passers-by welcome | Toilets |
Trailer ramp | Shore power |
Water | Laundromat |
Washbasins |
€1.5 per running meter per night Including 21% VAT. The harbor must be vacated before 12:00 PM. For VPF members, there is a discount: pay for the 1st night, the 2nd night is free (one week between 2 visits is required). Sympathisant members with harbor facilities enjoy a 100% reduction for the 1st night and a 50% reduction for the 2nd and 3rd night.
Extended weather forecast for Mendonk (click)