Shipping times Slochtersluis
Puntdeuren. Bediening op afstand vanaf Centrale Post Oostersluis. Laatste schutting begint uiterlijk een half uur voor einde bedieningstijd.
Width: 6 meter, length: 28 meter.
Lock length: 28 meter.
Threshold depth downstream/outside: 1.5 meter, threshold depth up/inside: 2.9 meter.
VHF-Channel: Channel 7, radio traffic Two way
Phone number: 050-5410097Comment: Control is from the CP Province of Groningen telephone: 050-3164010.
Sloach slug: Last fence starts no later than half an hour before end time.
Service times this weekHolidays, between 00:00h and 23:59h
Sunday, between 09:00h and 17:00h
Weekdays and Saturdays, between 08:00h and 20:00h
Operating times all year round
From 01-04 until 20-04
Sundays and public holidays, between 09:00h and 19:00h
Weekdays and Saturdays, between 08:00h and 20:00h
From 21-04 until 26-04
Holidays, monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, between 08:00h and 20:00h
Sunday, between 09:00h and 19:00h
From 27-04 until 04-05
Sundays and public holidays, between 09:00h and 19:00h
Weekdays and Saturdays, between 08:00h and 20:00h
From 05-05 until 07-06
Holidays, monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, between 08:00h and 20:00h
Sunday, between 09:00h and 19:00h
On 08-06 (Eerste pinksterdag)
Sundays and public holidays, between 09:00h and 19:00h
Weekdays and Saturdays, between 08:00h and 20:00h
From 09-06 until 31-10
Holidays, monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, between 08:00h and 20:00h
Sunday, between 09:00h and 19:00h
From 01-11 until 31-03
Holidays, between 00:00h and 23:59h
Sunday, between 09:00h and 17:00h
Weekdays and Saturdays, between 08:00h and 20:00h
Rijkswaterstaat NN
Postbus 2232
3500 GE Utrecht
Administrator visiting address
Balkendwarsweg 4 Assen
Phone: 088-7974422
Data updated: 07 Februari 2025, 15:02 uur, all data comes directly from Rijkswaterstaat systems.
Is something incorrect in the above information? Please submit your changes via
the Fairway reporter.
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