The water quality of Breezand, overgang Breezand at Vrouwenpolder

What is the swimming water like? Breezand, overgang Breezand? On the water map below you'll see the swimming location in its immediate vicinity. On the right of on this page you will find all information about the current weather, at the bottom of the swimming spots in the area.



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The location bathing beach Vrouwenpolder Breezand located on the North Sea and is located ten west of the Veerse Dam and ten northeast of the nature reserve Oranjezon.



Swimming spots nearby

1. Breezand, overgang breezand: water quality is good
2. Breezand, overgang de wijde blik: water quality is good
3. Breezand, overgang de zandput: water quality is good
4. Breezand, overgang duinoord: water quality is good
5. Breezand, overgang fort den haakweg: water quality is good
6. Breezand, overgang veersche gat: water quality is good
7. Kamperland de banjaard, overgang de kering: water quality is good
8. Kamperland de banjaard, overgang de oude banjaard: water quality is good
9. Kamperland de banjaard, overgang de residence: water quality is good
10. Kamperland de banjaard, overgang duindoornpad: water quality is good
11. Kamperland de banjaard, overgang grote duinen: water quality is good
12. Kamperland de banjaard, overgang hoofdstrand: water quality is good
13. Kamperland de banjaard, overgang kavel 1: water quality is good
14. Kamperland de banjaard, overgang veerse dam: water quality is good
15. Schotsman campensweg badstrand: water quality is good
16. Veere bastionstrand: water quality is good
17. Veersegat dam meerzijde badstrand: water quality is good


The weather in Vrouwenpolder, now:


Geheel bewolkt

The current weather in Vrouwenpolder is Geheel bewolkt
Wind Force 2 bft | 4.3 Knopen | 7.9 km/h
Wind direction Zuid
Wind arrow
Today: Grijs en kil met vooral in het oosten mist


Extended weather forecast for Vrouwenpolder (click)



Swim at Breezand, overgang Breezand

The bathing water quality at Breezand, overgang Breezand is good
Last check 10-09-2024

E.coli: 61 n/dl (below 1800 is ok)
Intestinal enterococci: 15 n/dl (under 400 is ok)
Information board
Descending bottom
Accessible before disabled
Drift Hazard
Facilities before disabled
Rescue Brigade
Blauwe vlag
Monitoring category D
Tidal water
Waste bins
Bicycle shed
Sandy beach
UitkijkpostSalt water
First Aid
WC / Toilets
Water temperature


Measurement time: 19 januari, 13:10
(more info)
nabij Vroonweg, Vrouwenpolder
Do you have any questions about this swimming location? Contact the administrator:

Provincie Zeeland
Phone: 0118-631700

Information board

The information board at the swimming location Breezand, overgang Breezand


The water temperature value comes from the nearest official Rijkswaterstaat measuring station and is an approximation for this location. Always take local conditions into account, it is usually colder in deeper water than on the shore!
The water quality measurement is based on the amount of bacteria in nanograms per deciliter (n /dl). In this case it concerns the intestinal bacteria Escherichia coli (E.coli) and intestinal enterococci, which occur in the feces of both animals and humans. A suddenly high value is often related to bird droppings in the water, for example, but can certainly also have other causes. It is unwise to swim in water where these values exceed the standards. The water manager also inspects the bathing water areas for other types of pollution, such as blue-green algae or other toxic algae and general safety features.

More information about this swimming location can be found at

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