Arkersluis, brug over buitenhoofd, in Nijkerk: opening hours and contact

All about the Arkersluis, brug over buitenhoofd, location, opening hours and contact details. On the water map below do you see the bridge in its immediate vicinity. On the right on this page you will find the operating times of this bridge, if available the maritime radio data and telephone numbers, and any additional instructions.



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Opening hours of nearby bridges

1. Nijkerk: Arkervaartbrug (in N301) (photo)
2. Nijkerk: Nijkerkersluis, brug over benedenhoofd (photo)


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Marinas nearby

1. : Vluchthaven Hameland
2. Nijkerk: Z en M.V. De Zuidwal (photo)
3. Nulde: W.S.V. Nulde
4. Zeewolde: Recreatiegebied Erkemederstrand
5. Zeewolde: Jachthaven Marina De Eemhof


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Bridge times Arkersluis,-brug-over-buitenhoofd

Arkersluis, brug over buitenhoofd

Vertical clearance when closed: 2.6 meter, width: 9 meter.
Number of openings: 1

Note: vertical clearance compared to Meerpeil, take possible water level changes into account.

VHF-Channel: Channel 12, radio traffic Two way
Phone number: 033-2451207
Comment: Recreational craft that want to go through the Arkervaartbrug can call (033-2451207) Make an appointment for a bridge opening, this can also be done by radio (channel 12) in the aforementioned times. General - Professional shipping may agree (if possible) with the lock guard another time for operating the Arkervaart Bridge. - At wind force 8 and above no control of the bridges. - For further information via radio channel 12 - P.S. you should take into account that the lockkeeper is under conditions at the lock, Which could be abandoned at the Arkervaart Bridge. NB The Arkervaartbrug is slammed for recreation from Monday to Friday Between 7:00 and 9:00 and after 4:00. The Arkersluis and the Arkervaart Bridge are closed on ascension day and on Whitsun Monday. On 5 December, 24 December and 31 December, the Arkersluis and the Arkervaartbrug are operated until 17.00 hours, provided that these days fall on a normal working day.

Service times this week

Operating times all year round

From 01-05 until 31-08

Saturday, between 07:00h and 15:00h
Working days, between 07:00h and 18:00h

From 01-09 until 30-04

Saturday, between 07:00h and 11:00h
Working days, between 07:00h and 18:00h

Foto: Menno van Beelen

Gemeente Nijkerk
Postbus 1000
3860 BA Nijkerk

Administrator visiting address
Kolkstraat 27 Nijkerk
Phone: 033-2472333

Data updated: 06 September 2024, 17:25 uur, all data comes directly from Rijkswaterstaat systems.

Is something incorrect in the above information? Please submit your changes via the Fairway reporter.



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