Marina RWV Nautilus, in Roermond, Limburg

This is the information page of RWV Nautilus, on the water map below you can see the marina in its immediate vicinity. On the right you will find the contact details and, if applicable, the website of this marina. Would you like to add more information about this marina? Let us know and we will add it!

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This marina has a Blue Flag
The Blue Flag is an international environmental award, awarded annually to beaches and marinas that have proven to be clean and safe. The marinas must meet the following criteria:

• Water and quays are clean
• Good hygienic sanitary facilities are sufficiently available
• There is a separate waste collection system, preferably also for bilge water and waste water< br>• Discharges of waste water from boats and port facilities into the water of the port are prohibited
• Rescue and extinguishing materials are available
• There are port regulations with codes of conduct for visitors
• There is information about how to deal with nature and the environment available



More marinas nearby

1. Asselt: W.S.V. Ascloa
2. Beesel: W.S.V. De Draekevaarders
3. Herten/ roermond: Roermond City Marina (foto)
4. Herten/ roermond: W.V. Hertha
5. Neer: W.S.V. Hanssum (foto)
6. Roermond: Camping Hermans
7. Roermond: Helenawerf Watersport v.o.f. (foto)
8. Roermond: Jachthaven Camping Hatenboer
9. Roermond: Jachthaven Hermus Watersport
10. Roermond: Jachthaven Het Steel
11. Roermond: Resort Marina Oolderhuuske
12. Roermond: Roermondse Roei en Zeilvereniging Maas en Roer


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Contact details

Maasboulevard 4
6041 LX Roermond

Phone Numbers 0475-318762 / 06 25376943
The water tourist is welcomed by RWV Nautilus in Roermond. Showers and toilets are available, as well as a washing machine and a tumble dryer. The aim of the association is to represent and promote water sports, in the broadest sense of the word and more special to give its members the water sports in an association context. Steigers. Diepte SP-3,00m=NAP+13,85m.
Permanent berths: 340
Passers by places: Minimaal 35


Container Berths secured
Showers Dressing rooms
Passers-by welcome Restaurant
Toilets Shore power
Water Water sports shop
Laundromat Washbasins
Wi-Fi Wastewater drain

Wastewater drain: Met assistentie havenmeester te gebruiken; voor passanten en ligplaatshouders; 24 uur van te voren per mobiel, mail of marifoon melden.
Wastewater disposal opening hours: 8:00 - 18:00


Per length meter per night € 2,00 Electricity per night (6 Amp.) € 3,50 Tourist tax per person per night 80 1,55


The weather in Roermond, now:


Licht bewolkt

The current weather in Roermond is Licht bewolkt
Wind Force 3 bft | 9.7 Knopen | 18 km/h
Wind direction West
Wind arrow
Today: Veel buien, vooral in het westen kans op plaatselijke wateroverlast


Extended weather forecast for Roermond (click)