VHF-Channel: channel not specified
Phone number: unknown Service times this week
Per call and only for professional shipping. Please contact the municipality 24 hours in advance via telephone number 14 0348.
Holidays, monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, between 09:00h and 18:00h
Sunday, between 00:00h and 23:59h - No service
Operating times all year round
From 01-04 until 20-04
Weekends and holidays, between 09:00h and 21:00h
Working days, between 06:00h and 07:00h
Working days, between 09:00h and 16:00h
Working days, between 18:00h and 21:00h
From 21-04 until 26-04
Holidays, monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, between 06:00h and 07:00h
Holidays, monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, between 09:00h and 16:00h
Holidays, monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, between 18:00h and 21:00h
Saturday, Sunday, between 09:00h and 21:00h
From 27-04 until 04-05
Weekends and holidays, between 09:00h and 21:00h
Working days, between 06:00h and 07:00h
Working days, between 09:00h and 16:00h
Working days, between 18:00h and 21:00h
From 05-05 until 07-06
Holidays, monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, between 06:00h and 07:00h
Holidays, monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, between 09:00h and 16:00h
Holidays, monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, between 18:00h and 21:00h
Saturday, Sunday, between 09:00h and 21:00h
On 08-06 (Eerste pinksterdag)
Weekends and holidays, between 09:00h and 21:00h
Working days, between 06:00h and 07:00h
Working days, between 09:00h and 16:00h
Working days, between 18:00h and 21:00h
From 09-06 until 31-10
Holidays, monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, between 06:00h and 07:00h
Holidays, monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, between 09:00h and 16:00h
Holidays, monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, between 18:00h and 21:00h
Saturday, Sunday, between 09:00h and 21:00h
From 01-11 tot 31-03:
Per call and only for professional shipping. Please contact the municipality 24 hours in advance via telephone number 14 0348.
Holidays, monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, between 09:00h and 18:00h
Sunday, between 00:00h and 23:59h - No service
Waterschap Hoogheemraadschap De Stichtse Rijnlanden
Postbus 550
3990 GJ Houten
Administrator visiting address
Poldermolen 2 Houten
Phone: 030-6345700
Data updated: 06 Februari 2025, 14:53 uur, all data comes directly from Rijkswaterstaat systems.
Is something incorrect in the above information? Please submit your changes via
the Fairway reporter.
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