Wrak: Sunniside (probably) (Steam ship)

Dit is de informatiepagina over het scheepswrak Sunniside (probably), op de waterkaart hieronder zie je het wrak in zijn directe omgeving. De positie van dit wrak is 52 22.213 N,1 47.164 E (52.4370167, 1.7918333)


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De teksten bij dit scheepswrak zijn in het engels 🇬🇧, omdat deze worden opgesteld door het UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) op basis van de gegevens van de hydrografische diensten van onder meer Nederland, België en Duitsland. Ze bevatten de bekende details van het wrak en de opmerkingen van de cartografen die in de loop der tijden de positie en de toestand van het wrak hebben gecontroleerd.


Meer scheepswrakken in de buurt

1. Abeona
2. Aduatiek (possibly)
3. Ala
4. Alastair
5. Alto (possibly)
6. Ambient (probably)
7. Astrologer
8. Avonwood
9. Axminster (probably)
10. Barkis
11. Begona no 5
12. Boulderpool (after part)
13. Bovey tracy
14. British captain
15. British fortune (probably)
16. Brixton
17. Burtonia (possibly)
18. Bygdo (possibly)
19. Carica milica
20. Castle galleon
21. Cd 14 (probably)
22. Cedarwood (possibly)
23. City of kobe
24. Claudia (possibly)
25. Cormead
26. Cresta
27. Crichtoun
28. Cross sand ltv
29. Dagmar (probably)
30. David b summers
31. Denewood
32. Disa (possibly)
33. Dronning maud (possibly)
34. Dulwich
35. Dunwich bank wk
36. Edernian
37. El argentino
38. El dorado
39. Ethel radcliffe
40. Eva witte
41. F stobart (probably)
42. Faithful star
43. Farmatyr
44. Fidelio
45. Firth
46. Friargate (possibly)
47. Friargate (possibly)
48. Frumenton
49. Gannet (possibly)
50. Gasfire
51. Gena
52. Geneva
53. George fisher
54. Gerhard
55. Gipsy (possibly)
56. Glen tilt (possibly)
57. Glynn
58. Golconda (possibly)
59. Grantleyhall (possibly)
60. Grenadier (probably)
61. Groenlo
62. Gulf breaker
63. H h petersen
64. Helena
65. Hms christopher (possibly)
66. Hms condor (probably)
67. Hms donside (possibly)
68. Hms eros (possibly)
69. Hms evesham (possibly)
70. Hms exmoor
71. Hms fontenoy
72. Hms glen prosen
73. Hms hirose (probably)
74. Hms irvana (part of)
75. Hms jessie nutten
76. Hms kaphreda
77. Hms m a west (probably)
78. Hms monarch
79. Hms new comet (possibly)
80. Hms ocean plough (possibly)
81. Hms orthos (probably)
82. Hms pelton (probably)
83. Hms river clyde (possibly)
84. Hms river clyde (possibly)
85. Hms sisters melville
86. Hms speeton (possibly)
87. Hms spider
88. Hms tervani
89. Hms tettenhall
90. Hms tonbridge
91. Hms tugela
92. Hms waveflower
93. Hms whooper
94. Hmsm d5
95. Hornchurch
96. Ignis (possibly)
97. Impulsion
98. Jamesina
99. Jim
100. Kenneth hawksfield
101. Knarsdale
102. Knitsley (part of)(probably)
103. Knitsley (possibly)
104. Kwasind
105. Lapwing
106. Lincairn (possibly)
107. Lindisfarne (probably)
108. Lingfield
109. Lisette
110. Magdapur
111. Mangara
112. Mardyke
113. Maria rosa
114. Marianne (probably)
115. Mascota (possibly)
116. Mascotte
117. Memento (possibly)
118. Mendibil mendi (possibly)
119. Mercurius
120. Mirella
121. Mudo
122. Murdoch (probably)
123. Nadir
124. Newhaven (possibly)
125. Nominoe
126. Nordborg (possibly)
127. Novocastrian
128. Ocean pride
129. Oil trader
130. Petshenga (possibly)
131. Phryne
132. Plawsworth (possibly)
133. Pluton
134. Polaris
135. Prima
136. Regain
137. Ren
138. Reward (possibly)
139. Rhenas (possibly)
140. Rhineland
141. Robin iv
142. Rochester city
143. Rogate
144. Roxanna
145. Scimitar
146. Scotia
147. Sea rhine
148. Silksworth hall (probably).
149. Sirdar (part of)(possibly)
150. Skodsburg (possibly)
151. Southford
152. St patrick
153. Stad alkmaar
154. Stanmount
155. Sunniside (probably)
156. Taber park
157. Tergestea
158. Thomas m (possibly)
159. Thornaby (possibly)
160. Tidal (possibly)
161. Torchbearer
162. Tregantle (possibly)
163. U 13 (probably)
164. Ui-001
165. Vae victis
166. Vanguard
167. Viola (possibly)
168. War valley
169. White lady
170. White swan
171. White swan (possibly)
172. Wyetown
173. Yewkyle (possibly)
174. Yucca (possibly)


Details scheepswrak


Lengte 46.3 meter, breedte: 7.9 meter, diepgang: 3.4, tonnage 447 ton
Lading: general and mixed goods

Oorzaak: Built in 1905 by goole sb & repairing co. owned at time of loss by tower steam shipping co. one boiler, compound expansion engine of 78hp, single shaft. machinery by g clarke ltd, sunderland. passage hull for rottedam. cargo 394 tons general. mined. three lost.

Jaar registratie: 1916

Waterdiepte boven wrak: 20 meter, hoogte boven zeebodem: 63 cm

Bekend sinds: 1916, laatst gedetecteerd: 20161212

Details metingen/cartografie: H7793/16 POSN 522100N, 014700E. - FNM 589/16. H2615/28 28.4.28 NOT FOUND. (TH). H03774/45 1.4.46 LEAST DEPTH OVER WRECK 56FT. (HMS SCOTT [E7604/2]). INS AS WK 56FT. LC 1543. H6285/69 27.1.70 LOCATED IN 522214N, 014711E USING DECCA. (KH PIPE SURVEY [K5733/2]). 31.7.74 AMEND TO WK 16.8MTRS [LAT]. NC 1543. H1942/80 23.8.82 EXAM'D 16.2.82 IN 522211N, 014718E [OGB] USING HIFIX/6 [2 LOP]. LEAST E/S DEPTH 15.1 IN GEN DEPTH 22MTRS. NO SCOUR. HYDROSEARCH VERTICAL HT 5.7MTRS, LENGTH 44.9MTRS, BEAM 7.66MTRS. LYING 065/245 DEGS, BOWS SW. UPRIGHT WITH STERN PARTIALLY BURIED. (HMS BULLDOG, HI 11).

- NM 2403/82. SEP 2016/000091758 19.7.17 EXAM'D 12.12.16 IN 5222.213N, 0147.164E [WGD]. LEAST M/B DEPTH 16.05MTRS IN GEN DEPTH 20MTRS, LENGTH 44.6MTRS, WIDTH 14.8MTRS, HEIGHT 4.1MTRS, ORIENTATION 063/243 DEGS. (GARDLINE, HI 1494). AMEND DW 16MTRS IN REVISED POSN.
Bron: UK Hydrographic Office

Positie: 52 22.213 N,1 47.164 E


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