Marina RFU Jachtspecialist, in Jirnsum (Irnsum), Friesland
This is the information page of RFU Jachtspecialist, on the water map below you can see the marina in its immediate vicinity. On the right you will find the contact details and, if applicable, the website of this marina. Would you like to add more information about this marina? Let us know and we will add it!
This marina has a Blue Flag b> The Blue Flag is an international environmental award, awarded annually to beaches and marinas that have proven to be clean and safe. The marinas must meet the following criteria:
• Water and quays are clean • Good hygienic sanitary facilities are sufficiently available • There is a separate waste collection system, preferably also for bilge water and waste water< br>• Discharges of waste water from boats and port facilities into the water of the port are prohibited • Rescue and extinguishing materials are available • There are port regulations with codes of conduct for visitors • There is information about how to deal with nature and the environment available
This marina also has a Groene Wimpel In the Netherlands, Blue Flag certified marinas may be eligible for an additional award: the Green Pennant. A marina earns this pennant if, on top of the international criteria, it has made extra efforts in the field of corporate social responsibility and sustainability of the marina. You must then consider additional measures in the field of energy and water savings, sustainable purchasing, use of sustainable building materials, separation of additional waste fractions and social involvement.
Are you on holiday with your boat in Friesland and are you looking for a cozy and also quiet passers -by place? More your boat with us! Our harbor is within walking distance of the village of Jirnsum, where you can walk beautifully, you can eat and do a small message. Discover us through the information on the website or come along and let yourself be talked about at the port office or by our regular visitors to the marina. You will be amazed at the possibilities, we can be of service to you!
Permanent berths: 150 Passers by places: 6
Boat rental
Bike rental
Passers-by welcome
Shore power
Water sports shop
Photo: RFU Jachtspecialist
The weather in Jirnsum (Irnsum), now:
Droog na neerslag
Wind Force 2 bft | 4.1 Knopen | 7.6 km/h Wind direction ZZW