Dit is de informatiepagina over het scheepswrak Josephine willis, op de waterkaart hieronder zie je het wrak in zijn directe omgeving. De positie van dit wrak is 51 1.337 N,1 11.475 E (51.0759833, 1.4147)
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De teksten bij dit scheepswrak zijn in het engels 🇬🇧, omdat deze worden opgesteld door het UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) op basis van de gegevens van de hydrografische diensten van onder meer Nederland, België en Duitsland. Ze bevatten de bekende details van het wrak en de opmerkingen van de cartografen die in de loop der tijden de positie en de toestand van het wrak hebben gecontroleerd.
Jaar registratie: 1977
Waterdiepte boven wrak: 22 meter, hoogte boven zeebodem: 136 cm
Bekend sinds: 1977, laatst gedetecteerd: 2016
Details metingen/cartografie: H4199/78 24.10.78 BROKEN UP WRECK OR OBSTN LOCATED 26.9.77 IN 505914N, 011027E [OGB] USING TRISPONDER [2 LOP]. NOT FOUND BY E/S, BUT OBVIOUS ON DCS3. (HMS BULLDOG, HI 35/77). CHART AS FOUL. BR STD. 10.10.22 The wreck was rediscovered by divers in approximately 2018. Diving investigation revealed that a large quantity of the ceramic cargo was still in situ. The ceramic assemblage is principally comprised of wares from three Staffordshire based potteries ? Mexborough, Charles Meigh, and Davenport. Several of the ceramic types discovered are unknown in current museum collections, or have previously only been seen in the formof wasters.Interpretation of geophysical data indicates that the full length of the vessel survives in situ, with a maximum length of 46m, and a maximum width of 10-11m, which is consistent with the known dimensions of thevessel. A potential vertical break in the hull is located approximately halfway along the wreck mound. This corresponds with the position which the Mangerton was reported to have collided with the Josephine Willis. Itwould appear that the wreck has broken it?s back and the remaining structure lies in two halves. The wreck mound is orientated NNW-SSE on a seabed comprised of gravelly sand, at a depth of approximately 23m. The mound extends to a height of 0.9m. The height of the surviving wreck mound indicates that there is likely to be a considerable depth of surviving stratigraphy. 10.10.22 "JOSEPHINE WILLIS" LOCATED IN 5101.330N, 0111.488E [WGD] HAS BEEN AWARDED SCHEDULED MONUMENT STATUS (The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979), DTD 25/08/2022. LIST ENTRY NUMBER 1477893. AMEND DIST REMAINS OF WRECK AND ADD "HISTORIC" TO STATUS, ADD REST'D AREA 50m RADIUS. RSDRA2022000251442 12.12.2022 EXAM'D BY BDC; WK LOCATED IN 5101.337N, 0111.475E [WGD]. LEAST M/B DEPTH 21.31MTRS IN GEN DEPTH 22MTRS. LENGTH 48.23MTRS, WIDTH 17.25MTRS, HT 1.05MTRS, ORIENTATION 316/136 DEGS. (GARDLINE GEOSURVEY, BDC H525.2(LITE), HI1497). AMEND WK 21.3MTRS IN REVISED POSN.
Bron: UK Hydrographic Office
Commentaar onderzoeker: UK NM 672/23
Positie: 51 1.337 N,1 11.475 E